In unserem ersten englischsprachigen Podcast sprechen Moritz und Sebastian mit Mr. Performo (Leandro Melendez), der sich intensiv mit Lasttest und Performancetest beschäftigt und sein Wissen in Blogs, Büchern und Konferenzbeiträgen weitergibt. Ausgehend von den ersten Projekten und den aktuellen Herausforderungen wird der gesamte Prozess des Performancetests in realen Projekten vorgestellt. Leandros reiche Erfahrung zeigt, dass Erfolg und Misserfolg hauptsächlich durch den Kontext und die Ziele des Kunden bestimmt werden. Auch technische Details kommen nicht zu kurz: Tools, Skripting, kontinuierliches Performance Testing in CI/CD-Pipelines und Cloud/On Premise. Abschließend werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, mit Leandro in Kontakt zu treten.
Podcast #13: Performance Testing mit Leandro Melendez aka Señor Performo
Höre oder "sehe" dir hier den ganzen Podcast an:
Diese Themen erwarten dich:
[01:01] Short overview
[01:20] Introduction of Leandro Melendez
[02:05] First performance project
[03:21] Senor Performo blog: idea and objectives
[06:21] Definition of load and performance testing
[07:55] Actual challenges in performance testing
[09:05] Changes in performance testing over the last 10 years
[11:25] Favorite tools for load & performance testing
[14:01] Customer objectives for performance testing
[17:30] Typical procedures of a perfomance testing project
[19:00] Performance testing in CI/CD
[31:01] Biggest failures
[34:12] Success
[35:55] Success factors for a load project
[36:55] Tipps for beginners
[40:25] Networking as performance tester
[46:15] JMeter or Loadrunner
[47:28] Skript development in the GUI or in Sourcecode
[47:45] Cloud or on Premise
[48:40] Long-term tests or many short-term
[49:46] Tests on Prod or share test environment with others
[51:21] Load test appointments together with the customer or rather alone
[52:56] Develop or execute scripts
[53:28] Interpret results or simply present all metrics
[54:02] Testing Spots (e.g. single API) or UseCases
[55:40] BlackBox or WhiteBox
[56:56] Qytera performance testing services: QLOAD
[57:07] Contact Leandro Melendez
Leandro's Journey into Performance Testing
Leandro shares his unique journey into the field of performance testing. Like many performance engineers, he started as a developer and moved through various IT roles including DBA, infrastructure, and project management. His entry into performance testing was almost accidental when he joined a company that required his diverse skill set for on-site consulting. Despite not initially understanding what performance testing entailed, he quickly became engrossed in this specialized area.
First Encounters with Performance Testing
Leandro reminisces about his early experiences with performance testing. Initially involved in developing projects that needed to be fast and efficient for stock market applications, he inadvertently performed performance tests without realizing it. His first major experience was a load testing project involving an online video game with hundreds of thousands of virtual users playing against each other. This complex project required integrating artificial intelligence with test scripts and left a lasting impression on him.
The Birth of Senior Performer Blog
The idea for the Senior Performer blog stemmed from Leandro's desire to simplify explanations for customers about performance and load testing. Tired of repeating himself to different clients, he decided to document his colorful examples and stories in a blog format. This move not only helped his clients but also expanded his reach through podcasts, YouTube channels in both English and Spanish, public speaking engagements, and more.
Defining Load vs. Performance Testing
One key distinction Leandro emphasizes is between performance and load testing. Performance testing involves validating the speed, response time, and efficiency of software under various conditions, while load testing is just one aspect focusing on system limits under heavy usage. He likens performance testing to an office suite with multiple components where load testing is just one program like Microsoft Word. Understanding this distinction helps organizations conduct more comprehensive assessments rather than just slamming systems to their limits.
Challenges in Modern Performance Testing
Modern performance testing faces several challenges due to evolving methodologies like Agile and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), new technologies such as microservices, cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). Organizations often struggle to adapt old practices to these new environments. Leandro highlights the need for continuous small tests integrated into pipelines rather than occasional big load tests. This approach ensures early detection of issues and maintains consistent performance monitoring.
Success Factors in Performance Testing
Success in performance testing often hinges on cooperation from clients who understand its importance. Projects where clients provide ample information and collaborate effectively tend to run smoothly. Implementing continuous integration processes where developers are taught to automate tests within the pipeline significantly enhances project outcomes. One notable success story was a complex video game project involving AI-driven virtual users—a testament to thorough preparation and innovative scripting techniques.
Advice for Beginners in Performance Testing
For those starting out in performance testing, Leandro advises gaining experience in scripting and development first. Understanding the backend processes and having some programming knowledge can significantly ease the transition into performance engineering. Additionally, networking through conferences, meetups, podcasts, YouTube channels, books, and even teaching others can accelerate learning and professional growth.
Veröffentlicht am 08.Dezember 2022
Aktualisiert am 19.November 2024

Senior Testmanager, Testarchitekt
Markus Thaler war 22 Jahre in der Commerzbank tätig, wo er sich mehr als 10 Jahre um Teststandards, Testwerkzeuge und Testautomatisierung in einer zentralen Funktion gekümmert hat, bevor er nach einer Zwischenstation im Testinfrastrukturmanagement acht Jahre als Testmanager in der Risikofunktion der Commerzbank gewirkt hat. Vor der Commerzbank konnte er Testerfahrungen bei Lufthansa, Siemens, Nestle und der DZ-Bank gewinnen. Bei Qytera war er als Senior Testmanager, Testarchitekt und Trainer tätig.